2020 when toilet paper was worth more than gold???

This was a virus panic buy toilet paper at that time.

Seriously, since there was zero toilet paper available even on Amazon, our friend had to think outside the box. so he found a commercial office supply retailer and bought 3 boxes of these giant mega rolls. (some countries called public jumbo roll or garage roll etc.)

In the midst of all the scariness sadness and uncertainty. Every time he used this big paper it made his laugh, because it was so huge, and hard to hold.

When the neighbors would ask if he had any toilet paper and he gave them a roll and said you should have seen their faces!!!!! they all had a much-needed laugh. actually seriously are like 20cm in diameter!!! (or maybe even bigger)

It pulled our friend through in more ways than one!

That happened 2 years ago, now everything is ok.

Every time we think about this thing, The more we feel the paper is very important to us, it is indispensable in everyone’s life. More importantly, the diversity of paper is also important.

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